All New Updated Spiral Bound Workbook Version Of
The Divine Architect: The Art of Living and Beyond!

Unitedlight Publishing is proud to release the all new updated spiral bound workbook version of The Divine Architect. Originally released in 2002 this all new jam packed version of this best seller features a Variety Show of subjects and guest commentary. You will learn about: The Origin of the Soul, The Nature of Existence, Life Before Life, Life After Death, The Ancient Mystery Schools, After Death Communication, Past Life Research, UFO and Disclosure Reports. Special guest features include: George Anderson, Gregg Braden, Deepak Chopra, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Serena Wright Taylor, John Edward, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Tony Robbins, Shirley McLaine, and his Holiness the Dalai Lama.

"Whatever happened to the American Dream?"

The world holds it breath as we watch the United States under siege with the vast and sweeping changes in every direction of human rights and hopes for a secure future. “Whatever Happened To The American Dream” was written, recorded, and filmed in 2009 by Robert Perala with help and vocals lent by artist Debbie Thacker. The song reflects a thematic theme asking the question of what the American Dream means to us. The song was later Copyrighted in 2006 and included in Robert’s 2016 album “Spectacular Red”.




The All NEW Revised Edition of
The Divine Architect:
The Art of Living and Beyond
by Robert Perala
ebook & hard copy

Robert Perala


Spectacular Red is Robert Perala’s
exciting debut CD Release with
influences from Paul McCartney
wonderful reviews
and more…



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Robert Perala
Author - Singer Songwriter - Public Speaker

Robert Perala is the author of The Divine Architect & The Divine Blueprint. He is a singer songwriter and performer – his Album Spectacular Red is out now on iTunes, Cdbaby and Amazon etc. He is also an internationally known public speaker at conferences nation wide.

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